The Power of an Apology

The Power of an Apology

The Power of an Apology

One of the fastest, most effective actions a person can take to de-escalate a potentially volatile situation is to offer a sincere apology! Imagine a situation where you physically hurt someone, such as bumping into them or stepping on their new shoes and hurting their foot.

What is your natural response?  Even before that person has a chance to respond to the bump, the stepping on their new shoe and hurt toes.

I have accidentally done this many times before in my life and I’ve had it done and not done to me! I’m referring to telling someone, “Oh I’m sorry, please excuse me or forgive me! I didn’t mean to …… bump into you, step on your foot, etc.  Are you o.k. sir or ma’am?!”

What do you think of my action? Do you think if I mistakenly step on your toe and you heard and felt my sincere apology, would you accept it or would you shoot me?  I know, shooting someone over such a minor offense sounds ridiculous, right?  Well, unfortunately, something this trivial can escalate into a fatal shooting due to someone’s inappropriate and angry response, resulting in the life-ending use of a gun.  Hopefully, you as the reader, can see how this choice is a complete and utterly overly negative response to a scenario such as what is described here.

What if the shoe was on the other foot and you bumped into me or stepped on my toe? And then you offered me an apology like the one I gave earlier.  What would you expect me to do?  Be calm and accept it? Begin to fight you or shoot you?

Let’s discuss these 2 scenarios:  …….

I believe, without making you or me appear weak or soft, that there is a healing power in a sincere apology!  We should use this powerful and effective de-escalation tool often!  Doing so will diffuse a bad situation and allow both parties to go home safely, alive and free!  An apology is a better solution to this type of minor problem than the use of a gun.  Guns do not solve innocent mistakes like the expression of an apology that’s based on peace and love!

Don’t be afraid to apologize.  Be agreeable and respectful when you do something that upsets or harms another person.  The results of your actions and responses may lead to a very positive outcome for you and the other person.  An apology is an act of kindness, respect, empathy and compassion – all wrapped up in one simple statement, “I’m sorry – please forgive me.”  Offer and receive forgiveness to live and let live another day!

What are your thoughts on the power of a heartfelt apology’s power to de-escalate a potentially violent situation?  Please share your thoughts at:

Remember, Peace and Love wins!

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